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Sunday, April 29, 2012

History of the World in Two Hours

Did you know that 1% of the white noise you see on your television is actually background radiation from The Big Bang? History of the World in Two Hours is a History Channel documentary which tells the epic 14 billion year history of our world in two hours. It’s a fast-paced journey from the beginning of time to the present day, stopping off to explore key turning points, historic moments, and extraordinary connections between the distant past and our daily lives. From the formation of the earth and the emergence of life, to the advance of man and the growth of civilization, it’s a rapid-fire view of our unforgettable story - from zero to 14 billion years in 120 minutes.

Related Links:
Earth: Making of a Planet
Catastrophe (presented by Tony Robinson)


  1. Totally ignores and discounts ancient american civilizations... Mayan, Aztec and Inca.
